2nd Amendment Stance: EXTREMELY ANTI-GUN
District: Chittenden 4-1
(Vote for 1)
Contest: For State Representative (WIN)
Party: Democratic

2nd Amendment Stance, Legislative Action and Voting History:
Sponsored: H.124 (bad)
H.125 (bad)
H.243 (bad)
Voted YEA on H.735
Received $200 campaign contribution from GunSenseVT

Mailing Address:
Phone Number: (802) 233-5238
Send Email to MIKE YANTACHKA: myantachka.dfa@gmail.com
Click Here for Website

Candidate Gun Quotes:
Quote #1:
11/3/2013 Burlington GunSense 'forum':
79:15 Mike Speaks
Candidate Articles:
Article #1:
Proposed H.124 (firearms regulation - illegal under the Vermont Constitution):
1.) Ban on magazines with the capacity for more than 10 rounds (would outlaw almost all semi-auto PISTOLS as well)
2.) Require NIC check at gun shows (already being done voluntarily)
3.) Allow Vermont officers to enforce Federal law.
4.) Require registration and training for 'concealed carry'.
5.) Require all mental health professionals to report to NIC.
6.) Repeal prohibition on sale or use of silencers (threw us a bone on that one).
Article #2:
Proposed H.125:
This bill proposes to establish a repository for the disposition of unlawful firearms, a firearm safety training center, and an indoor firing range for law enforcement officials.
Article #3:
Proposed H.243 (firearms regulation - illegal under the Vermont Constitution):
This bill proposes to make it a crime for a person to negligently leave a firearm accessible to a child (Even if no harm is done! - This can be enforced how? Illegal search.
Article #4:
Vermont Laws Regulating Firearms: Next Steps