2nd Amendment Stance: STRONG PRO 2A
District: Rutland 6
(Vote for 2)
Contest: For State Representative (WIN)
Party: Republican

2016: 2nd Amendment Stance, Legislative Action and Voting History:
Voted AGAINST S.141 Gun Control Bill (GOOD).
Sponsored H.297 Ivory Ban bill(BAD).
2014: 2nd Amendment Stance, Legislative Action and Voting History:
Voted NAY on H.735 (GOOD)
Sponsored H.129 (GOOD): An act relating to authorizing a person to carry a handgun while hunting with a bow and arrow or training hunting dogs.

Mailing Address:
Phone Number: (802) 770-2377
Click Here for Facebook Page

2015-16: Sponsored H.297 (BAD):An act relating to the sale of ivory or rhinoceros horn
H.297 would restrict the ownership and sale of ivory and rhino horn objects already owned by Vermonters.
This will impact valuable collector firearms with ivory inlays or grips, as well as antique pianos, jewelry, and trophies.
ALL ivory will have to be disposed of or confiscated by the state.
Any excuse to attack firearms ownership from EVERY direction at once!

Bill #1
2013-14: Sponsored H.129 (GOOD): An act relating to authorizing a person to carry a handgun while hunting with a bow and arrow or training hunting dogs
Bill #2
Candidate Info Sources:
4/16/2015: S.141 “Mr. Speaker: Do we really need a new law that mirrors Federal law? The federal government needs to step up and do the job they are authorized to do! I vote no.”
Source #1
2015: S.141 “Mr. Speaker: ‘The people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State’ are words Vermonters have lived by since July 8, 1977. Now, nearly two and a half centuries later, this founding principle is being challenged by S.141.
I vote ‘NO’ to stand up for nearly 250 years of tradition and to protect the right to bear arms for future generations of Vermonters."

Source #2
(2015) Voted AGAINST S.141 Gun Control Bill (GOOD)
Source #3
2015 Gun Owners of Vermont Analysis: Universal Background Check Legislation
Detail of S.141 Votes & GunSense Money

Source #4

Copyright 2016 Gun Owners of Vermont
Last Updated: 12/15/2016
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