2nd Amendment Stance: EXTREMELY ANTI-GUN
District: Washington 7
(Vote for 2)
Contest: For State Representative
Party: Independent

2016: 2nd Amendment Stance, Legislative Action and Voting History:
Additional Comments: 7/19/2016: VT Digger COMMENTS Section: "As I am running for the Vermont House of Reps. this November, my job will be to problem solve. I am 27 years old, and I have a very unique and revolutionary style platform that I think bears listening to for a moment; I will transition it into relating to this Gun Control discussion."
"My goal is to dismantle the current modern political process and system..."
"That being said, this Gun Control issue is a big deal; and it needs to be handled in an appropriate fashion. I myself personally believe that every American Citizen has the right to their second amendment. I also feel that Vermont is a very special and unique place, and the citizens of this State have shown tremendous maturity on this issue."
"As such, we need to approach this issue with a mature and responsible attitude that will effectively serve as many interests as humanly possible."
"In order to do this, we must truly examine what it means to own a gun. What the responsibilities are, and how we can best solve the discrepancy of this troubling issue."
"Personally, I feel that the privilege of driving an automobile is one of great responsibility, and requires operator safety for the well being of all. Now, in order to drive a vehicle on any road in this State, one must have successfully navigated their learners permit test, their Driver’s Ed course, the License Test; have a fully inspected, insured and registered vehicle and operate it safely.. Otherwise they lose the privilege of driving.."
"I would like for you now to reasonably explain if you are against the current concept of gun control; how having a firearm, an instrument of extreme force and deadly capacity, is any different than the privilege of being allowed to operate a vehicle?"
"In my opinion, the vehicle is actually safer because almost nearly all if us at some point have either been driven in a car, or we have driven a car. However, the same cannot be said for gun ownership and it certainly cannot be said of the mass majority of citizens having handled said firearms."
"For the safety of all, we implore and require each driver to pass each one of these safety checks for the purpose of determining whether or not that particular individual is coherent, sound minded and responsible enough to operate a vehicle. Why is this not absolutely mandatory for firearm use as well?"

WAIT FOR IT... "Now I know, I can hear all of you Second Amendment junkies out there saying, “Jake, the right to own a gun is not the same as the privilege to operate a motorized vehicle.”
"And while I’d be happy to argue semantics with you, the premise is the same. If you willfully use a firearm in a neglectful manner, you will be banned from ever owning one in the future. Right or no right. If you operate a vehicle in a neglectful, harmful manner, you lose the right to drive."
If we are accepting that such measures are the way we as a society operates, then shouldn’t it be logical to follow that Gun Ownership should follow the same premise of Vehicle operation?"
"Beyond that, to the Second Amendment junkies out there; because I too am one of you, (edit: BULLSHIT Jake!) I say this."
"There are two parts to the 2nd Amendment. If you carefully read, you will notice there is the first part relating to the continuation of a well functioning militia, and the second relates to the right of the people to bear arms. The second part is not in question. Though I would point to my previous point about guns vs. cars as the overwhelming problem to that issue. However, the first part is what I’d really like to focus on for a second."
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”. As we no longer have any regulated Militias in this country (EDIT: AGAIN BULLSHIT, Jake! - Vermont actually HAS a regulated Militia - The Vermont State Guard - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermont_State_Guard), it seems a bit odd that Second Amendment aficionados would use this as part of their argument as why guns should remain safely in the hands of anyone who wishes to obtain them."
"If we want to argue the second amendment in favor of the first portion of it; we must in absolute no uncertain terms actually create an entity similar to a volunteer fire department. This will ensure having trained citizens in hand to hand combat, firearm safety and it will put the people back in charge of being responsible gun owners."
"Between my first point and my second, you might actually come to realize how significantly powerful the combination of these two entities would be in preventing any atrocity from occurring within the borders of our very wonderful State."
"But more so than that, if such an atrocity were to occur, we would have a great deal number of trained citizens ready at the drop of a hat to handle it."
"This is the only way forward."

See the COMMENTS SECTION of the Sue Minter article below to read what he has in store for us... As the Robot said, "Danger, Will Robinson!"

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9/15/2016: "Eventually, the gun owners of The Valley asked Sallerson questions regarding firearms. They were most interested in whether he supports universal background checks, which he does."

"Sallerson mentioned that anyone who can buy a gun could come into that very meeting and open fire, to which the entire room erupted in laughter."

Sallerson said that he has two guns himself. An audience member immediately asked what guns, and Sallerson said that he would never want them taken away. “I sleep with my .45. It’s oftentimes in my hand as I fall asleep,” he said.

The reason he does this, he said, is because he doesn’t know who else has a gun who shouldn’t, saying that the state currently doesn’t look far enough into the owner’s history!

Source #1
7/19/2016: Comments Section of this article, Jake explains why he is anti-gun and refers to gun owners as "all of you Second Amendment junkies".
More dangerous is his ultimate goal: "My goal is to dismantle the current modern political process and system."
There is a wealth of anti-gun rhetoric in the comment section. Rest assured, he is an anti-gunner out to trample on your rights, AND our undermine our political system. Where have we heard that before? Oh, yeah, the Communist manifesto...
He wants to "regulate" gun owners in Vermont and create "training requirements" for firearm ownership.

Source #2

Copyright 2016 Gun Owners of Vermont
Last Updated: 12/15/2016
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